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Most of the documents kept by the CRHA Archives and Documentation Center are available for consultation.

I.C.S. Reference Library, a series of textbooks prepared for the students of the International Correspondence Schools and containing in permanent form the instruction papers, examination questions, and keys used in their various courses.
a series of textbooks prepared for the students of the International Correspondence Schools and containing in permanent form the instruction papers, examination questions, and keys used in their various courses.
a series of textbooks prepared for the students of the International Correspondence Schools and containing in permanent form the instruction papers, examination questions, and keys used in their various courses.
A series a series of textbooks prepared for the students of the International Correspondence Schools and containing in permanent form the instruction papers, examination questions, and keys used in their various courses.
a series of textbooks prepared for the students of the International Correspondence Schools and containing in permanent form the instruction papers, examination questions, and keys used in their various courses.
a series of textbooks prepared for the students of the International Correspondence Schools and containing in permanent form the instruction papers, examination questions, and keys used in their various courses.
A series of texbooks prepared for the students of the international correspondence schools and containing in parmanent form the instruction papers, examination questions and key used their various courses – International correspondence schools / / / / / / 10000338


/ / / / / / 10000338


International correspondence schools

Maison d’édition

Scranton, International textbook company




xi, illu.


Valve gears – Mechanics of the Steam Engine – Steam engine governors – Steam engine Design – Types of steam boilers – Boiler fittings and accessories – Boiler settings and chimneys – Boiler piping and auxiliaries – Fuels and boiler trails – Steam-boiler design



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