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Classeur gris no.3 des titres de transport – P139,S1,P3

1903-1978 – 0,04 m de documents textuels.

Portée et contenu

Le classeur gris se compose de 165 titres de transport : des laissez-passer et des billets télégraphiques. On retrouve des titres de transport de plusieurs compagnie: The Algoma Central & Hudson Bay Railway Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company Limited, Canadian National Railways: Grand Trunk Pacific Ry., Grand Trunk System (Lines in U.S.), Duluth, Winnipeg and Pacific Railway, Canadian Pacific Railway Company: All Lines, Great Lakes Steamships Service, British Columbia Coast Steamships Service, Canadian Pacific Steamships Limited, Dominion Atlantic Railway Company, Edmonton, Dunvegan and British Colombia Railway Company, Central Canada Railway Company, Kettle Valley Railway Company, National Harbours Boards Montreal, Puget Sound Navigation Company, Quebec Central Railway Company, Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Ry, Nipissing Central Railway, The Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Company, Wellington Colliery Railway Company, The Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System, Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railway Company, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Boston and Maine Railroad, The Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co., Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, Chicago and North Western Railway, Chicago, St.Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company, Big Four, The Delaware and Hudson Co, Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Ry Co, Mineral Range Railroad Co, Erie Railroad, Great Northern Railway Co., Illinois Central Railroad Company, The Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad Company, The Kansas City Southern Railway Company, Lehigh Valley Railroad, Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company, Minneapolis, St.Paul & Sault Ste.Marie Railway Company, Missouri-Kansas-Texas Lines, The New York Central Railroad Company, Nickel Plate Road: The New York, Chicago and St.Louis Railroad Company, Northern Pacific Railway, Pennsylvania Railroad System, Philadelphia & Reading Railway, Rutland Railroad, Spokane International Railway Company, Toledo, St.Louis & Western Railroad Company, Union Pacific System, Wabash Railway Company, The Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway Company, White Pass & Yukon Route, Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, The Aquarama Line: Michigan – Ohio Navigation Company, Atlanta & West Point Railroad, The Western Railway of Alabama, Georgia Railroad, Brester Rocky Mountain Gray Line Ltd, Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, Chicago Great Western Railway Company, The Milwaukee Road, Compagnie internationale des Wagons-lits et du tourisme, Grayline Sight-seeing Companies Associated, Japanese National Railways, Monon: The Hoosier Line, The New Haven Railroad, Northern Alberta Railways Company, The Owen Sound Transportation Company Limited, Pacific Great Eastern Railway Company, Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway Company, Southern Pacific Lines, Union Pacific Railroad. On retrouve également des titres American Cable & Radio Cororation, Canadian Pacific Telecommunications.

Source du titre composé propre

Le titre composé propre est basé sur le contenu du classeur.


Les dimensions des titres varient selon l’époque et la compagnie.

Source immédiate d’acquisition

Ayotte-Ritchie, Gilberte


Le classement a été effectué par Monsieur Ritchie.

Langue des documents

Les documents sont en anglais et certains sont également en français.

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