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Picturesque Canada;, the country as it was and is. – Grant, George Monro, 1835-1902, / / / / / I / 10001308


/ / / / / I / 10001308


Grant, George Monro, 1835-1902,
Edited by George Monro Grant … Illustrated under the supervision of L. R. O’Brien … with over 500 engravings on wood …

Maison d’édition

Toronto, Belden bros.




2 v. front., illus.


O’Brien, L. R.(Lucius Richard),1832-1899.


Paged continuously./don:2011.02
Vol. 1 has added t.-p., and imprint: Art Publishing Co.
v. 1. Quebec: Historical review, by G. M. Grant. Quebec, picturesque and descriptive, by A. M. Machar. French Canadian life and character, by J. G. A. Creighton. Montreal, by A. J. Bray and J. Lesperance. The lower Ottawa, by R. V. Rogers and C. P. Mulvany. Ottawa, by F. A. Dixon. The upper Ottawa, by C. P. Mulvany. Lumbering, by G. M. Grant and A. Fleming. The upper lakes, by G. A. Mackenzie. The North-west: Manitoba, by G. M. Grant; Red river to Hudson’s bay, by R. Bell; The Mennonites, by J. B. McLaren; Winnipeg to Rocky mountains, by G. M. Grant. The Niagara district, by Louise Murray. Toronto and vicinity, by G. M. Adam.–v. 2. From Toronto westward, by J. H. Hunter. From Toronto to lake Huron, by A. Kemp and G. M. Grant. Georgian bay, and the Muskoka lakes, by G. M. Adam. Central Ontario, by J. H. Hunter. Eastern Ontario, by G. M. Grant and A. M. Machar. South-eastern Quebec, by J. H. Hunter. The lower St. Lawrence and the Saguenay, by J. G. A. Creighton. New Brunswick, by C.G.D. Roberts, Nova Scotia, by R. Murray and Mrs. A. Simpson. Cape Breton, by R. Murray and J. McLennan. Prince Edward island, by R. Murray. British Columbia, by G.M. Grant.


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